Monday, August 18, 2008

Table Valued Constructors using VALUES clause

From Today onwards, I am starting a series of Article concerning new T-SQL features introduced in SQL Server 2008. The first article of this series is as under:

Before 2008, when more than one rows were to be inserted using INSERT statement, then more than one INSERT statements were required. But with SQL Server 2008, it is not necessary because only one INSERT statement would do the work. Consider a table with three columns ID, Name and Address.

Name VARCHAR(30),
Address varchar(45)

The single INSERT statement is as under:

INSERT INTO TblCustomer(Name, [Address] )
VALUES ('Shujaat', 'New Jersey'),
('Siddiqi', 'California'),
('Shahbaz', 'Los Angeles')

This can also be used for bulk insert requirements because of its atomic nature. After creating this statement in you .net code, you may pass this statement to the database. This INSERT statement is an atomic operation so there aren’t three statements being executed but only single statements in executed in the database.

This constructor may also be used for SELECT and MERGE statements. The example is as follows:

SELECT VendorID, VendorName
VALUES(1, 'Shujaat'),
(2, 'Siddiqi')
) AS Vendor(VendorID, VendorName)

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